Top 5 Career Options After 12th Standard in the AI Era

Top 5 Career Options After 12th Standard in the AI Era – For Students Graduating in 2024

Hey there, folks! Today, I want to talk to you about something that’s incredibly crucial — choosing the right career path after you’ve completed your 12th standard. This decision isn’t just another milestone; it’s a defining moment that will shape your future.

Choosing the best career options after 12th standard isn’t only about personal satisfaction and fulfillment; it’s about securing your financial stability and long-term success. So, let’s dive into this journey of exploring the best career options in the AI era of 2024.

The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on various industries

Now, you might be wondering, why should you consider AI-related careers? Well, the answer lies in the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence on various industries. AI is no longer just a buzzword; it’s a game-changer.

It’s reshaping industries like healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and many more. It’s powering innovations, streamlining processes, and solving complex problems. In fact, AI has become an integral part of today’s world. Think about AI-driven virtual assistants, ChatGPT, Google Bard, self-driving cars, or personalized healthcare recommendations — all made possible by AI.

The need for AI-related skills in the job market

So, where does that leave you? Well, it leaves you with an incredible opportunity. The job market is hungry for AI-related skills. AI is one of the fastest-growing fields, and professionals with AI skills are in high demand.

As we step into 2024, the gap between the supply of AI professionals and the demand for their skills is widening. This means that if you choose a career in AI, you’re positioning yourself for some fantastic job opportunities and career growth.

Today, I’ll be your guide in this exciting journey as we explore the best career options in the AI era. So, let’s get started.

Career Option 1: Data Scientist

Career Option 1: Data Scientist

Let’s dive right into our first career options after 12th standard: Data Scientist. In today’s AI-driven world, Data Scientists play a pivotal role. They’re responsible for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to solve complex problems and guide critical decisions. They’re the ones who convert raw data into actionable insights, helping organizations thrive.

Skills and qualifications required

To be a Data Scientist, you need certain skills. Strong math and statistics knowledge is essential, as you’ll be crunching numbers to uncover patterns. Proficiency in programming languages like Python and R is a must for data analysis and machine learning. Effective communication skills are also crucial, as you’ll need to convey your findings clearly to non-technical teams.

It’s beneficial to be skilled in data visualization tools and big data technologies. Qualification-wise, a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Statistics, or a related field is common. However, a master’s or Ph.D. can open doors to more advanced roles and higher pay.

Demand and salary prospects in the AI era

The demand for Data Scientists is off the charts in the AI era. Virtually every industry relies on data-driven insights, making Data Scientists indispensable. Top companies hiring Data scientists are IBM, Accenture, TCS, Amazon, Microsoft, Uber, and many more product-based companies. 

Speaking of salaries, Data Scientists are well-compensated. In India, you can expect competitive salaries, according to Glassdoor vary from 7L to 19L per annum.

Steps to Become a Data Scientist

If you’re ready to start your journey as a Data Scientist, here’s what you should do:

1. Educational Foundation: Begin with a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, preferred is in Computer Science, else you can opt for a BSc in Computer Science.

2. Develop Technical Skills: Master Python, R, and data analysis tools.

3. Advanced Studies: Consider a master’s or Ph.D. for in-depth knowledge.

4. Hands-On Experience: Gain practical experience through internships once you are thorough with the basics.

You’ll find renowned institutions like the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), NIT, Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), or other reputed private colleges such as SRM, and Lovely Professional University offering Data Science courses.

Apart from that, you can also consider enrolling for a basic computer science engineering course and further enrolling in an online Data Science course which will give you better learning with flexibility. 

So, if you’re captivated by data’s power to transform industries and drive innovation, a career as a Data Scientist in the 2024 AI era is a wise choice. Stick around for more exciting career options!

Career Option 2: Machine Learning Engineer

Career Option 2: Machine Learning Engineer

The second best career options after 12th standard is Machine Learning Engineers. ML Engineers develop and deploy machine learning models, working on algorithms that enable computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions.

Necessary skills and educational background

To excel in this field, you should possess strong programming skills in languages like Python, a solid foundation in mathematics, and a relevant educational background in computer science or a related field, typically a bachelor’s or master’s degree.

Opportunities in the AI-driven industry

The demand for Machine Learning Engineers is high, especially in AI-driven industries. Machine learning is utilized in various aspects of daily life, from personalized online recommendations to virtual assistants, autonomous vehicles, and more. Salaries are competitive, with the potential to earn significantly above-average income. According to Glassdoor, the base pay ranges from 7L to 14L per annum.

How to pursue a career in Machine Learning Engineering

Certainly, here’s your guide to becoming a Machine Learning Engineer:

1. Educational Foundation: Begin your journey by earning a bachelor’s degree, ideally in Computer Science, in AI, or a related field. It’s essential to grasp the foundational principles of computer science.

2. Programming Proficiency: Develop strong coding skills in languages like Python and R. These languages are essential for implementing machine learning algorithms and data analysis.

3. Mathematics and Statistics: A solid foundation in mathematics, particularly calculus and linear algebra, is crucial. Statistics is also vital for understanding and interpreting data.

4. Machine Learning Courses: Enroll in specialized machine learning courses or programs that teach the theory and practical application of machine learning algorithms.

5. Online Courses: Explore online courses and certifications offered by renowned platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udacity to enhance your knowledge. Some of the most popular courses include those by Andrew Ng and other experts. Here is an article by India Today on how a machine learning online course helped a man get a 100% salary hike. 

Keep in mind that machine learning finds applications in various sectors such as healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and more. A machine learning engineer is in high demand, and this demand is expected to grow in the AI-driven world of 2024.

Career Option 3: Robotics Engineer

Career Option 3: Robotics Engineer

If you’re curious about Robotics Engineering, think of it as the field where we create and take care of robots. These robots do all sorts of things, from helping with making things in factories to doing advanced stuff in healthcare. What’s cool is that we add a smart touch to these robots using artificial intelligence (AI). This makes them not just smart but also adaptable, and they become super important in lots of different industries.

Educational paths and skillsets for aspiring Robotics Engineers:

To become a Robotics Engineer, you need a specific educational background and a well-developed skill set. Most aspiring engineers opt for a bachelor’s degree (B.Tech) in fields like Robotics, Mechanical Engineering, or Electrical Engineering. To excel, it’s crucial to master skills in programming, mechanical design, and problem-solving.

Job opportunities in industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, and automation:

A career as a Robotics Engineer opens doors to exciting opportunities within various industries and renowned companies. In the healthcare sector, you could contribute to cutting-edge projects with companies like Intuitive Surgical, known for their surgical robotic systems. Explore roles in manufacturing with industry leaders such as Boston Dynamics, at the forefront of developing advanced robots for diverse applications. Automation giants like ABB and Fanuc offer avenues to work on state-of-the-art solutions shaping the future of manufacturing. Delve into AI-driven industries with companies like NVIDIA, playing a crucial role in the development of intelligent robotic systems. The landscape is vast, and your skills as a Robotics Engineer can find a home in companies driving innovation across sectors. The starting salary may be a bit low in India, but as AI grows this will definitely change.  

Steps to Become a Robotics Engineer:

Now, if you’re inspired to tread the path of a Robotics Engineer, here are the sequential steps to guide you:

  1. Educational Foundation: Begin with a bachelor’s degree in Robotics, Mechanical Engineering, or a related field. Acclaimed institutions like IIT Roorkee, Thapar University, PSGCT, etc. offer specialized programs. Find a complete list of top colleges/universities here.
  2. Skill Development: Hone your programming skills, delve into mechanical design, and cultivate problem-solving abilities. Familiarize yourself with programming languages such as Python and C++.
  3. Advanced Studies (Optional): Consider pursuing advanced studies, such as a master’s or Ph.D., to delve deeper into specific areas of Robotics Engineering.
  4. Hands-On Experience: Gain practical experience through internships or projects. Collaborate on real-world applications to enhance your understanding of robotic systems.

Career Option 4: AI Entrepreneur

Career Option 4: AI Entrepreneur

Venturing into the world of AI Entrepreneurship is like exploring opportunities to start your own business that’s centered around artificial intelligence. It’s about finding new ways to use AI in startups, which are newly established companies. To succeed, you need to have skills in AI, get funding (money to start and grow), and constantly come up with fresh and innovative ideas.

Opportunities in AI-based Startups:

Startups that focus on AI provide a great chance for people to start their own businesses. These startups can change the way things work in different industries by using the power of artificial intelligence.

The key is to recognize gaps or inefficiencies in existing systems and envision how AI can fill those gaps or enhance current practices. Entrepreneurial opportunities also extend to addressing societal challenges or unmet needs through the application of AI, fostering the growth of startups that contribute to both technological advancements and economic development.

Skills, Money, and Innovation in AI Entrepreneurship:

To do well in AI entrepreneurship, you need to be good at AI, understand how data works, and also know how to run a business. Getting money to start and grow your business is very important. And, in this field, it’s all about constantly coming up with new and creative ideas.

Stories of Successful AI Entrepreneurs:

Looking at the success stories of people who have started their own businesses focused on AI, like Elon Musk, Fei-Fei Li, and Jensen Huang, can give you ideas and motivation. These people have done amazing things using AI in different areas.

Starting Your Own AI-focused Business:

To start your own business that revolves around AI, you need a plan. Figure out what makes your idea special, understand what people need, and build a team of people with different skills. Get the money you need, and always try to come up with new and exciting ideas. Learning from the experiences of successful AI entrepreneurs can guide you in making your own business a success.

Career Option 5: AI Professor/Teacher/Tutor

Career Option 5: AI Professor/Teacher/Tutor

Imagine a career where you’re not just immersed in the fascinating world of artificial intelligence (AI) but also shaping the minds that will lead the AI revolution. That’s what being an AI professor is all about — blending your passion for cutting-edge technology with the thrill of teaching and hence making it into this list of best career options after 12th standard in 2024.

Skills and Qualifications:

  • Advanced Education: A Ph.D. in computer science with a specialization in AI or machine learning is the foundation.
  • Research Expertise: Being at the forefront of AI research, contributing novel ideas and solutions.
  • Teaching Abilities: Effectively conveying complex AI concepts to students and fostering a love for learning.
  • Continuous Learning: Staying updated on the latest AI developments, ensuring your knowledge remains current.

Job Opportunities:

  • Universities and Research Institutions: As an AI professor, you’ll find your home in academic settings, shaping curricula and conducting groundbreaking research.
  • Industry Collaboration: Collaborate with industry experts, bringing real-world applications into the classroom.
  • Conferences and Publications: Share your findings at conferences and contribute to peer-reviewed journals.


  • Teaching: Design and deliver courses that provide a deep understanding of AI, machine learning, and data science.
  • Research: Push the boundaries of AI through cutting-edge research, publishing papers that contribute to the field.
  • Supervision: Guide and mentor graduate students, especially those pursuing Ph.D. research.
  • Collaboration: Actively collaborate with fellow researchers, industry professionals, and interdisciplinary teams.

Career Progression:

  • Assistant Professor: Begin your journey, eager to make a mark in academia.
  • Associate Professor: Gain recognition as your contributions to research and teaching grow.
  • Professor: Reach the pinnacle of your academic journey, often involving leadership roles within the institution.


As you stand at the crossroads post-12th standard, the AI era of 2024 offers unparalleled opportunities. AI’s transformative impact on industries makes it a compelling career choice. The soaring demand for AI skills amplifies the prospects for those entering this dynamic landscape.

Exploring careers like Data Science, Machine Learning Engineering, Robotics, AI Entrepreneurship, and AI Professorship unveils diverse pathways. Whether you’re drawn to data’s transformative power, the intricacies of machine learning, the potential of robotics, entrepreneurial ventures, or academic mentorship — each avenue promises unique challenges and growth.

Choose wisely, stay curious, and embrace the exciting possibilities that the AI era unfolds. Your future in 2024 is shaped by the decisions you make today. Best of luck on your journey to success!


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