How To Get a Job as a Data Analytics Fresher?

How To Get a Job as a Data Analytics Fresher?

Securing your first job or internship in data analytics is an exciting yet challenging endeavour. In today’s competitive job market, standing out and belonging to the top 5% of candidates is crucial to land your dream internship. In this comprehensive guide, I  will provide you with a step-by-step approach to get a job as a Data Analytics fresher.

The Competitive Landscape: Why You Need a Solid Plan

The data analytics job market is fiercely competitive. As organisations increasingly rely on data-driven decision-making, the demand for skilled data analysts has surged. However, this surge in demand also means that more candidates are vying for limited positions. To secure your first data analytics internship or job, you must go beyond the basics and stand out from the crowd. 

Why Should You Have a Solid Plan?

  1. High Demand, Limited Supply: The allure of data analytics has attracted a diverse pool of candidates, including recent graduates, career changers, and experienced professionals. To rise above the noise, you need a strategic approach.
  2. Employers Seek Excellence: Employers don’t settle for mediocrity. They want candidates who demonstrate exceptional skills, passion, and adaptability. A solid plan ensures you’re well-prepared to meet their expectations.
  3. The Top 5% Rule: Imagine a bell curve representing all applicants. The top 5%—those who excel—are the ones who secure interviews and job offers. To belong to this elite group, you need to differentiate yourself.

Hence, it’s essential to go the extra mile and distinguish yourself from the crowd. Let us now dive deep into the step-by-step guide on how you can distinguish yourself from the crowd and get a job as a Data Analytics fresher. 

Step 1: Build a Strong Foundation in Data Analytics

Let us dive into the first step of getting a data analytics job. Before joining a company or facing your first data analytics job interview, it’s crucial to establish a solid understanding of the fundamentals. Let’s dive into the essential components you need to master:

1.1 Thorough Understanding of Basics

You need to master the basics of Data Analytics concepts such as Python, SQL, data visualization, etc. Let us learn in detail –

1.1.1 Programming Languages: Python and R

  • Python: Widely adopted in software startups, large tech firms, and adTech. It’s flexible, versatile, and excellent for deep learning and data processing.
  • R / RStudio: Popular in research, finance, and analytics. R is a statistical programming language with mature libraries for econometrics, statistics, and machine learning.

1.1.2 SQL (Structured Query Language)

  • Learn SQL to query databases efficiently. Understand SELECT statements, JOINs, and aggregations. SQL is essential for data manipulation and extraction.

Read more: 10 Best YouTube Channels to Learn SQL

1.1.3 Data Wrangling and Cleaning

  • Data Wrangling: Clean, structure, and enrich raw data into a usable format. Techniques include merging, grouping, concatenating, and sorting.
  • Use Python and R libraries to clean and process data, removing unwanted, redundant, and missing values.

1.1.4 Data Visualization

  • Master data visualization using libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly.
  • Learn to display data effectively through plots and graphs.

1.2 Practice Platforms and Projects

Practising various problems and getting hands-on experience with projects are vital for securing a data analytics job as a fresher as they offer hands-on experience, showcasing practical skills sought by employers. Engaging with these platforms will allow you to demonstrate your proficiency in data analysis tools and methodologies, making you a more attractive candidate in the competitive job market.

1.2.1 LeetCode, HackerRank, and Kaggle

  • LeetCode: Solve coding challenges related to data structures, algorithms, and SQL.
  • HackerRank: Offers data analytics-specific problems for practice.
  • Kaggle: Participate in competitions, explore datasets, and learn from others’ solutions.

1.2.2 Personal Projects

  • Work on hands-on projects to gain practical experience:
    • Analyze sales data to identify trends and patterns.
    • Explore customer behaviour and preferences.
    • Create interactive dashboards for data visualization.

1.2.3 Finding Project Ideas

  • DataCamp: Offers guided and unguided projects with source code.
  • CareerFoundry: Share project ideas focused on data scraping, exploratory analysis, and visualization.

1.3 Learning Resources

1.3.1 Online Courses

  • Harvard University Data Science Certificate: Comprehensive program covering various data science skills.
  • Simplilearn PG in Data Science: In-depth curriculum for aspiring data scientists.

1.3.2 Books and Tutorials

Remember, building a strong foundation takes time and consistent effort. Practice, explore real-world datasets, and work on projects to enhance your skills. Your journey to becoming a proficient data analyst starts here! 🚀

Step 2: Engage with Data Analytics Communities to Stay Ahead of Trends

In the rapidly evolving field of data analytics, staying abreast of the latest trends, technologies, and best practices is crucial for professional growth and advancement. By actively participating in data analytics communities and forums, you can gain valuable insights, expand your network, and stay ahead of the curve. Here are some vibrant communities you can join:

General Data & Analytics Communities

  1. Locally Optimistic: A Slack community with over 7,000 members. Engage in discussions, share insights, and learn from industry experts1.
  2. Data Talks Club: Another Slack community boasting 47,000 members. Dive into data-related conversations and expand your network1.
  3. Data Science Salon: Attend virtual and in-person events organized by this group. Their Slack community has 3,000 members1.
  4. Data Science Network: Connect with over 3,000 data enthusiasts in this Slack community1.

Aspiring Data Analysts

  1. Aspiring Data Analysts: A Discord community of 800 aspiring data analysts. Created by Annie, who shares her journey to kickstart a career in data analytics.
  2. DataXP: A Discord community with over 500 members, aimed at those studying for or entering data careers.
  3. Data Storyteller Discord Community: Yes, this is my community! It’s open to anyone interested in breaking into or early in their data careers1.

Niche Data & Analytics Communities

  1. Data Visualization Society: With over 16,000 members, this group hosts an annual conference and maintains an active Slack community.
  2. Academic Data Science Alliance (ADSA): They organize events and have a Slack community of 1,000 members.
  3. Data Umbrella: Focused on welcoming underrepresented individuals to the fields of data science, machine learning, and AI. Their Discord community has over 400 members.

Software/Programming Language Communities

  1. dbt: Join their Slack community of 57,000 members. Most conversations revolve around analytics engineering and using the dbt platform.
  2. R for Data Science: An online learning community with a Slack channel of 17,000 members.
  3. PySlackers: A Slack community with over 40,000 Python enthusiasts.

Women in Data Communities

  1. Women in Data Science (WiDS): Attend their annual conference and explore satellite events in various cities. The WiDS Slack community is exclusive to ambassadors.
  2. Data Angels: A Slack community with over 1,600 women working in data or interested in data careers.
  3. PyLadies and R-Ladies: Global communities with local chapters and active Slack communities.
  4. Women in Machine Learning & Data Science (WiMLDS): A global community with local chapters and a Slack community of over 2,000 members1.

Remember, these communities offer support, knowledge sharing, and networking opportunities. Dive in, contribute, and learn from your peers. 

Step 3:  Create a Solid Portfolio

A well-curated portfolio is indispensable for showcasing your proficiency in SQL, Python, and other relevant skills. Include a diverse range of projects that demonstrate your hands-on experience with various tools and methodologies.

Why Is a Portfolio Essential?

  1. Showcasing Skills: A portfolio provides tangible evidence of your abilities. It’s not just about claiming expertise; it’s about proving it.
  2. Hands-On Understanding: By including diverse projects, you reveal your practical experience with tools like SQL, Python, and data visualization libraries.
  3. Standing Out: In a competitive job market, a well-curated portfolio differentiates you from other candidates.
  4. Conversation Starter: During interviews, your portfolio becomes a conversation starter. Recruiters and hiring managers will dive into your projects.

Building Your Portfolio

Now let us discuss how to build a compelling portfolio:

1. Choose a Platform

In 2024, having a portfolio website is non-negotiable. Consider these free resources:

1.1 Novypro

  • Novypro allows you to create a professional portfolio website. Here’s what to include:
    • Projects: Showcase your data analysis projects. Explain the problem, your approach, and the impact.
    • Power BI and Excel Projects: Highlight any work related to these tools.
    • Blog Section: Write about your data-related insights, methodologies, and industry trends.
    • Novypro

1.2 Linktree

  • Linktree is a simple yet effective way to consolidate multiple links into one page. Use it to:
    • Link to GitHub: Direct recruiters to your repositories.
    • LinkedIn Profile: Highlight your professional journey.
    • Blog or Medium Articles: Share your data-related articles.
    • Linktree

1.3 GitHub

  • GitHub isn’t just for code repositories. It’s a powerful platform for showcasing your work:
    • Create a Portfolio Repository: Include a README with project descriptions, code snippets, and visualizations.
    • Use GitHub Pages: Host your portfolio website directly on GitHub.
    • GitHub

2. Include Project Details

  • For each project, provide:
    • Project Title: Be descriptive.
    • Problem Statement: What were you trying to solve?
    • Approach: Explain your methodology.
    • Results: What insights did you gain?
    • Code Snippets: Share relevant code.
    • Visualizations: Include charts, graphs, or interactive dashboards.

3. Learning Resources

Here are some resources from where you can get some data analytics project ideas:

3.1 DataCamp

  • DataCamp offers guided and unguided projects. Explore their resources to find project ideas and learn new skills.
  • Link

3.2 KnowledgeHut

  • Check out their list of data analytics projects for inspiration.
  • Link

3.3 GitHub

  • GitHub has plenty of data analytics projects with source codes prepared by experts. 
  • Link to the repo

4. Keep It Updated

  • Regularly add new projects, blog posts, and insights.
  • Seek feedback from peers or mentors to improve your portfolio.

Remember, your portfolio is your professional narrative. Make it engaging, informative, and reflective of your passion for data analytics.

Step 4: Building an ATS-Friendly Resume

What Is an ATS-Friendly Resume?

An ATS-friendly resume is specifically designed to get past applicant tracking systems (ATS). These systems are used by recruiters and employers during the hiring process to collect, sort, scan, and rank job applications. When you submit your resume online, it often goes straight into an ATS database. Before it reaches human eyes, it must pass muster with this automated system.

Why Is an ATS-Friendly Resume Important?

  1. Screening Efficiency: Companies receive a large volume of resumes. ATS helps narrow down the candidate pool efficiently.
  2. Resource Optimization: Automated systems free up resources, allowing recruiters to focus on core tasks.
  3. Legal Compliance: ATS avoids potential discrimination by ignoring characteristics like race, gender, and age.
  4. Matching Qualifications: ATS scans for keywords and qualifications relevant to the job description.

How to Create an ATS-Friendly Resume

Now let us discuss how to create an ATS friendly resume for data analytics jobs:

1. Choose an ATS-Friendly Template

Select a resume template that is recognized by ATS. These templates are designed to be easily scanned and categorized by the system. Here are some examples:

  • Modern Resume Template: Suitable for various experience levels.
  • College Resume Template: Ideal for recent graduates.
  • Executive Resume Template: Highlight measurable results and skills.

Learn more about templates.

2. Include Relevant Keywords

  • Job-Specific Keywords: Use keywords from the job description. For example:
    • “Results-Oriented Business Analyst with expertise in Excel”
    • “Data Analyst Intern with domain knowledge of Finance with 0-1 Years of Experience”
    • “Data Analyst with specialization in Power BI and Tableau must have done hands-on projects as well”

3. Format Your Resume Correctly

  • Simple Layout: Avoid complex formatting, tables, or images. Use a clean, easy-to-read format.
  • Bullet Points: Start each work experience bullet point with strong action verbs.
  • Quantify Accomplishments: Use numbers or percentages to quantify your achievements.

4. Tailor Your Resume for Each Job

  • Customize your resume for each position by emphasizing relevant skills and experiences.
  • Mention any data analytics projects, competitions, or certifications you’ve completed.

5. Proofread and Optimize

  • Check for spelling and grammar errors.
  • Use tools like Jobscan to analyse your resume for ATS compatibility.

Remember, an ATS-friendly resume increases your chances of being noticed by a hiring manager and landing an interview. Craft your resume strategically to navigate the digital hiring landscape effectively! 

Here is a Sample Template – 

Sample Template

Downloadable link

Learn more about templates:



Step 5: Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is a powerful tool for building your online credibility and differentiating yourself in the professional world. Let’s explore how you can optimize your LinkedIn profile to enhance your chances of landing a data analyst job:

1. Custom URL and Profile Visibility

  • Custom URL: Customize your LinkedIn profile URL to make it more professional. Use your name or a variation of it.
  • Profile Visibility: Ensure your profile is visible to everyone, not just your connections. Go to “Settings & Privacy” > “Visibility” > “Edit your public profile.”

2. Headline and Featured Section

  • Headline: Your headline should be clear, concise, and keyword-optimized. Use relevant terms like “Data Analyst,” “Business Intelligence,” or “Data Visualization.”
  • Featured Section: Utilize this section to showcase your best work. Add links to articles, projects, or presentations.

3. Summary (About Section)

  • Write an engaging summary that reflects your career journey. Use the first person and highlight your experience, hobbies, and unique qualities.
  • Mention any relevant data analytics projects or certifications.

4. Education

  • List your educational background accurately and comprehensively. Include notable projects or activities related to data analytics.

5. Skills and Certifications

  • Highlight relevant skills such as SQL, Python, data visualization, and statistical analysis.
  • Add any relevant certifications you’ve earned.

6. Post Regularly on LinkedIn

  • Share your data analytics projects, learnings, and insights regularly. Engage with other professionals by commenting on their posts.
  • Consistent activity demonstrates your expertise and keeps you visible to potential employers.

Example –

LinkedIn profile sample

7. Asking for Help on LinkedIn

  • Reach out to professionals for resume reviews or referrals. Networking is essential in the job search process.
  • Be polite and specific in your messages. Explain why you’re reaching out and how they can assist you.

Remember, your LinkedIn profile is your digital business card. Make it compelling, relevant, and reflective of your data analytics journey!
Here is an example of a full-fledged LinkedIn Profile – Example

Step 6: Build a Strong Network on LinkedIn

Networking is a powerful tool for career growth, especially for freshers. As a data analyst, connecting with professionals in the field can open doors to job opportunities, mentorship, and industry insights. Here’s how to build a robust network on LinkedIn:

1. Connect with Relevant Professionals

  • Industry Events: Attend data analytics conferences, webinars, and workshops. Connect with speakers and fellow attendees.
  • LinkedIn Search: Use relevant keywords (e.g., “data analyst,” “business intelligence”) to find professionals in your field. Send personalized connection requests.

2. Engage with Content

  • Follow Influencers: Follow data science influencers, industry leaders, and companies. Engage with their content by liking, commenting, and sharing.
  • Create Your Content: Share your data-related insights, articles, and project learnings. Regular posting increases your visibility.

3. Join LinkedIn Groups

  • Data Analytics Groups: Join LinkedIn groups focused on data analytics, data science, and related topics. Participate in discussions and connect with group members.

4. Attend Meetups and Webinars

  • Local Meetups: Attend data-related meetups in your area. These events provide excellent networking opportunities.
  • Webinars: Participate in webinars hosted by industry experts. Connect with speakers afterwards. For example, you can have an eye on the Datacamp’s webinar section to find upcoming webinars. 

5. Be Genuine and Give Back

  • Personalize Messages: When connecting with someone, add a personalized message explaining why you’d like to connect.
  • Offer Help: Be willing to assist others. Networking is a two-way street.

Certainly! Let’s discuss how to effectively use cold messages after connecting with professionals on LinkedIn. Cold messages can be a valuable tool for networking and job hunting. Here are some tips:

6. Cold Messages After Connecting

Here are some tips on sending cold messages :

Be Specific and Personalized:

  • When reaching out via LinkedIn message, mention the context of your connection. For example, “We recently connected on LinkedIn, and I was impressed by your work in data analytics.”
  • Avoid generic templates. Tailor each message to the recipient’s background and interests.

Provide Value:

  • Explain why you’re reaching out. Are you seeking advice, mentorship, or job referrals?
  • Offer something valuable in return. Maybe you can share an interesting article related to data analytics or offer to assist with a project.

Be Concise and Clear:

  • Keep your message brief. Introduce yourself, state your purpose, and express appreciation for their time.
  • Mention any common interests or connections you share.

Call to Action (CTA):

  • End your message with a clear CTA. For example, “Could we schedule a brief call to discuss your career journey in data analytics?”
  • Provide specific instructions on how to respond.

Follow Up:

  • If you don’t receive a response, follow up politely after a reasonable time (usually one to two weeks).
  • Persistence pays off, but avoid being pushy.

Remember, cold messages are about building relationships. Be genuine, respectful, and focused on mutual benefit. Here’s an example of a well-crafted cold message:


Hi [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I recently came across your profile on LinkedIn and was impressed by your expertise in data analytics.

As someone who’s passionate about breaking into the field, I’m keen to learn from experienced professionals like yourself. Your background and achievements in data analytics truly inspire me.

I would love the opportunity to connect and learn more about your journey in the industry. Your insights and advice would be invaluable as I navigate my own career path.

Please let me know if you’d be open to connecting and perhaps having a brief chat. I’m eager to hear your thoughts and experiences.

Thank you for considering my request, and I look forward to the possibility of connecting with you.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Remember, networking isn’t just about quantity; it’s about building meaningful relationships. Connect with purpose, engage authentically, and nurture your network over time. 🌐🤝

Step 7: Apply for Data Analyst Internships

Landing a data analyst internship is a crucial step in kickstarting your career. Here’s how you can optimize your internship search and secure valuable opportunities:

1. Diversify Your Search Platforms

  • LinkedIn: Leverage LinkedIn to explore data analyst internships. Follow relevant companies, join data analytics groups, and engage with industry content. Customize your profile to highlight your skills and interests.
  • Naukri: Visit, a popular job portal, to discover internship listings. Filter by location, duration, and skills to find suitable opportunities.
  • Indeed: Search for data analyst internships on Indeed. Use relevant keywords and set up job alerts to stay informed about new postings.
  • Glassdoor: Explore Glassdoor for company reviews, salary insights, and internship listings. Read about other interns’ experiences to make informed decisions.
  • #OpenToWork Feature: Enable this feature to signal to recruiters that you’re open to new opportunities.

2. Research and Compile a List

  • Company Websites: Visit company websites directly. Many organizations post internship openings on their career pages.
  • Job Boards: Explore job boards like Internshala, which specifically list internships. Filter by location and field.
  • Networking: Attend industry events, webinars, and conferences. Connect with professionals who might know about internship opportunities.
  • Avoid Fraudulent Posts: Be cautious of fraudulent job posts. Verify company details and avoid suspicious listings.

4. Stay Persistent and Follow Up

  • Follow-Up: If you don’t receive a response, follow up politely after a reasonable time (usually one to two weeks).
  • Stay Positive: Rejections are part of the process. Learn from them and keep applying.

5. Pro Tips

Here are some invaluable pro tips to enhance your job search journey:

Pro Tip No. 1: Use the “Hiring” Search on LinkedIn

A highly effective method for connecting with recruiters and finding job opportunities involves searching the term “Hiring” on LinkedIn. Here’s how to make the most of this technique:

  1. Conduct a “Hiring” Search:
    • In the LinkedIn search bar, type “Hiring” and hit Enter.
    • You’ll encounter numerous individuals who explicitly mention hiring in their bios.
  2. Initiate Connections:
    • From the search results, explore profiles of HR professionals, founders, and other relevant individuals.
    • Send them personalized connection requests expressing your relevant skills and interest in applying for any available positions.
  3. Send Cold Messages or Emails:
    • Once connected, you can send cold messages or emails to express your enthusiasm for their company and your qualifications.
    • Be concise, and professional, and highlight how your skills align with their hiring needs.

Pro Tip No. 2: Utilizing Referrals for Job-Hunting Success

Securing a referral stands out as one of the most effective strategies for landing a job.

But how exactly can you go about obtaining one?

1. Begin by visiting the company’s website, such as Amazon in this instance.

2. Navigate to the “Careers” section on their site.

3. Locate and select the desired job position.

4. It’s crucial to jot down the job’s ID for future reference.

5. Next, head over to LinkedIn, the professional networking platform.

6. Conduct a search for individuals in the Talent Acquisition (HR) department, managers, or any relevant personnel associated with Amazon.

7. Craft a personalized cold message or email, ensuring to include the job ID for clarity and reference.

Pro Tip No. 3: Streamline Your Job Search Efforts

There are two effective methods to explore job opportunities:

1. Leverage your LinkedIn account to connect with HR professionals and company founders, simplifying your job search process.
Engage with relevant individuals to discover potential job openings within their organizations.
Explore Company Websites:

2. Begin by searching for the desired company on Google. Navigate to their website and locate the “Careers” section.

Browse through available job openings and after identifying suitable positions:

Option 1: Apply directly on the company’s website.

Option 2: Reach out to the company’s HR personnel on LinkedIn to inquire about job openings, potentially expediting the application process.

Upon exploring one of the companies’ career sections, I just uncovered hidden internship opportunities, which is amazing. 🫨

Remember, proactive networking and personalized outreach can significantly enhance your job search efforts. Good luck! 

Step 8: Be Prepared for the Data Analytics Interview

Congratulations on reaching the final step! Preparing for your data analytics interview is crucial to landing that dream job. Let’s dive into some tips and best practices to help you shine during your interview:

1. Understand the Interview Process

Before diving into specific questions, familiarize yourself with the typical data analyst interview process:

  • HR Interview: Expect a screening call with a recruiter. Be ready to discuss your experience, interest, and salary expectations.
  • Hiring Manager Interview: The next call is usually with the hiring manager. They might delve deeper into your experience and motivation for the role.
  • Technical Screen: Data analyst roles often involve technical assessments. Brush up on SQL, Python, and data manipulation techniques.
  • On-site Interview: The final step may focus on your business acumen and problem-solving skills.

2. Master Common Data Analyst Interview Questions

Here are some common data analyst interview questions and how to tackle them:

  1. Tell Me About Yourself:
    • Focus on your journey toward becoming a data analyst.
    • Highlight what excites you about data analysis and why you’re the best fit for the role.
  2. What Do Data Analysts Do?:
    • Go beyond a dictionary definition.
    • Outline key tasks: identifying, collecting, cleaning, analyzing, and interpreting data.
    • Explain how data-driven decisions impact businesses.
  3. Describe Your Most Successful or Challenging Data Analysis Project:
    • Highlight your strengths and weaknesses.
    • Discuss your role in the project and its impact.
    • Be ready to measure success and overcome challenges.

3. Technical Preparation

  • SQL and Python: Revise SQL queries and Python basics. Expect technical questions related to these languages.
  • Data Manipulation: Familiarize yourself with data cleaning, transformation, and enrichment techniques.
  • Statistics: Brush up on concepts like hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and probability distributions.

4. Research the Company

  • Business Understanding: Understand the company’s problems and potential challenges.
  • Interview Format: Ask the recruiter about the interview format (e.g., technical assessment, case study).

5. Behavioral Tips

  • STAR Framework: Use the Situation, Task, Action, Result framework to structure your answers.
  • Research the Company: Understand their industry, products, and mission.
  • Tailor Your Answers: Customize your responses to match the job description and company values.

6. Resources for Interview Preparation

Remember, confidence and preparation are key. Good luck with your data analytics interview! 


In conclusion, landing your first internship in data analytics is a big achievement. It takes planning and effort to stand out in a competitive job market. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be ready to navigate the process smoothly. From learning the basics to improving your LinkedIn profile and preparing for interviews, each step is important. Keep going, keep learning, and don’t forget to network. Good luck on your journey into the world of data analytics!


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